Chapter 4 - Antique Dealers MARROW SPOONS ADDENDUM
Please note: there are two sentences missing from Mr Grey’s reply to me which begins ‘Me neither’ - it should read:
‘Me neither. Tasteless vegetable. But it’s not that sort of marrow the spoon is for - it’s for scooping marrow out of bones.’
Recoiling at the thought, I put it back quickly, 'Oh,' was all I could say.
.....and this is what they looked like:

Chapter 5 - Becoming a VAT Inspector
I record how my long journey towards becoming a VAT Control Officer actually began as a Clerical Officer for the Central Office of Information (COI) and here are some photos from my time there.
We worked from Five Ways Tower which I describe in the book as a black and red brick monolith set in the upmarket suburb of Edgbaston, Birmingham. It was a smart, modern office block in the early 80s, but became derelict within a few decades - a rather sad end!
The office was kitted out in 70s-style colours - bright oranges and lemons. The desks were, at the time, state of the art, and could form an L-shaped pattern. They were new, and modern for that era.
Here's my office which was on the 5th floor (there were 20 floors altogether at Five Ways Tower). The part of the desk where the "In" and "Out" trays are was where myself and a Clerical Assistant would open the mail each morning -
At my desk (complete with my hand knitted bright red cardigan) -
With some clerical colleagues in the Distribution Room - we had over 200 mail shots every day which had to be all sealed and bagged up ready for collection by the Royal Mail -
Making a cuppa at the tea station -